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Results for "keyword: "life review""
Death -- Our Greatest Teacher A meditation to prompt a focus on Dharma practice.
Retelling Our Stories A story-telling process that allows people to share the narrative of their life's journey.
Birthday of Anne Frank Remembering Anne Frank, whose voice echoes through the corridors of time lest we forget the nightmare of the Holocaust and the heroism of those who sheltered Jews.
Our Shabbiest Inner Characters Counsel on befriending our flaws.
Hazrat Inayat Khan in Art of Personality The art of personality is to cut off the rough edges
For Love's Sake An appeal for love for all life.
Caroline W. Casey in Making the Gods Work for You At least if you're failing, you know
Toyohiko Kagawa in Zen and the Art of Anything May I never find myself
Vivienne Hull in Earth & Spirit Radical openness is the invocation of full-bodied living
Alfred D'Souza in Seven Choices For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin